About me

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Sogang Univ. Department of Korean Linguistics. My advisor is Professor Chung-Hoon Lee. I also acquired my Master's degree of Korean Linguistics at Sogang University in Feb, 2023.

My main interest is syntax, formal semantics, and their interfaces. Specifically, I am interested in:
My thesis topic is going to be on the syntax and semantics of ellipsis phenomena in Korean. As a start, I am investigating ellipsis in Korean coordination constructions which are described in detail in Y. Kim's (1997) paper with the title of Hankwukeuy piwuki hyengsang ('Korean deletion phenomena').

Other topics that I am interested in are:
  • Syntax and semantics of classifiers (e.g., Korean, Chinese)
  • Modal-based semantics (tense and aspect)
  • Case markers in Korean and other languages
  • Nominalizers and complementizers
I am also interested in methods used in semantic fieldworks such as storyboards.
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